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What We Believe

Simply stated, we believe that the Holy Bible is the word of God. We believe that Jesus expressly commanded us to do four things:

Love God

Love Your Neighbor

Make Disciples


Girl Holding BIble

Our History

Trinity Fellowship Church

After a long process of prayer and discernment, Trinity Fellowship of Waldo felt led to become an independent church. This became official in July 2022. Even though we are not connected to a denomination, we strive to be connected to God, our communities, and many local missions.

Trinity United Methodist Church

(Information from historical files)

 In February of 1977 the three former United Methodist congregations

of CascadeHingham, and Waldo, became one congregation. The

decision was made to worship at the central geographical point, and

only community with one church present. Trinity Church centered

itself in Waldo.


During 1977 a Long Range Planning Committee study compared the

feasibility of remodeling the existing Waldo building as opposed to building

new. Property from the Buelke family was considered.


At the Charge Conference of February 12, action was taken to purchase that property. Groundbreaking ceremonies were held Sunday April 22, 1979. The first Sunday Worship was Palm Sunday, March 30, 1980. Consecration and Opening Services were held Sunday June 22 at 2:00 p.m. On Sunday June 29, an informal open house with tours was held.


The Trinity Church Bell Tower incorporates the bells of three former churches,

Cascade, Hingham, and Waldo. There is an old pew from the old Waldo Church

in the back of  Trinity. Read about it here. The stained glass window in the

Welcome  Center is from the old Waldo Church. View our stained glass windows.


The building debt and mortgage were satisfied as paid in full March 1987.

On Celebration Sunday, April 26, we celebrated the Burning of the Mortgage.


Read about:


Waldo United Methodist Church (formerly Onion River Church)

                                                             (Information from historical files)

 The Onion River Methodist Church was built in 1869-1870 and dedicated in                                                             1871. It was built for $4,000.00 on one half acre of land purchased for $100.00.

It was heated by wood stoves and lighted by kerosene lamps. Livery stables for horses

were on the grounds. There were thirty members in good standing at that time.

A resident pastor from Hingham served the church, traveling with horse and buggy

or horse and sled.


In 1910 a cement floor was laid in the basement. Other improvements followed and

membership increased. In 1961 an addition to the church was started on the west side

of the church. This gave another entrance, washrooms, more Sunday School room,

better kitchen facilities and more dining area for suppers. Dedication was held in 1963.

In 1971 Centennial Services were held.


 In 1961 the Mulletin Methodist Church closed and the congregation joined the                                                         Waldo congregation. In 1966 the first move toward a yoked fellowship was                                                                 started and Hingham, Cascade and Waldo shared a pastor. 1968 was the merger of the Evangelical United Brethren Churches and the Methodist Churches. The merger formed the United Methodist Church.


Women’s meetings started in 1901, called Women’s Foreign Missionary Society, then Ladies Aid, then Woman’s Society of Christian Service and now United Methodist Women.


Epworth League, later to become Methodist Youth Fellowship started before 1900. With the merger it has been know as the United Methodist Youth Fellowship. (UMYF)


The Sunday School was started in 1870. In 1954 Bible School classes were organized for over two weeks during summer vacation.


Of all the ministers that have passed through the four churches that make up our Trinity Church, only one, the Cascade Church has had women pastors. The Rev. Ida Richards Marquardt served from 1893 to 1901. During that time the Church was incorporated. This was also at a time when men and women sat on opposite sides of the aisle. From 1916 to 1920 Rev. M. Lulu Hindes served the Cascade Church.


The Mulletin Church

(Information taken from historical records)

The first Methodist services held in Sheboygan County were held in

1849 in Cascade and Winooski in the schoolhouses. About the time

the church at Cascade declined, one was built at Hingham and

Hingham and Winooski became a circuit, also at this time services

were being held at Onion River in the school house.


At this time, Alonzo Beals known as Captain Beals, having been

Captain on freight boats on the Great Lakes, wanted services nearer

home, so he hewed the timber and assisted building the school house

on the Alfred Mellen farm which was used as their meeting place.


In 1866 this building did not meet the needs of the congregation any longer and a new site and building was sought and built on Bunces Corners on the Town line between Plymouth and Lyndon, the estimated value of the church was $1,200.00 which was paid for except $59.00 of unpaid subscriptions. On October 16, 1883 a wedding took place in the church, the only one until 1942.


In the fall of 1892, a Christian Endeavor was organized. Miss Ada Chandler was their leader assisted by several young people from Sheboygan Congregational Church.


In 1917 the Ladies Aid was organized with a membership of 24. They raised $1,000 toward the building fund to help with putting a basement under the church. The basement, including a kitchen and the front vestibule was started in the spring of 1925, the corner stone was laid on April 26 and the finished project was rededicated on August 9, 1925. The corner stone contained the information of all the pastors beginning with circuit rider Reverend David Lewis in 1849. The cost of that project was about $2375.00 which again was nearly paid for all except $80.00.


On February 8, 1938 thirteen men met at the church and founded a brotherhood and was a going organization for many years.


In 1950, as Reverend Kassilke was leaving as pastor, we were given the option of closing the church or going with Sheboygan Falls.


In 1953, a discussion between a bell or a lighted cross took place. The cross won out and in April, 1954 it was installed and with the church standing on a hill, the cross could be seen for many miles every evening. In 1955, we redecorated and put in new linoleum and stained glass windows were installed.


We celebrated our 90th Anniversary in 1956 and not once in all those years were the doors closed.


In 1961 we merged with Waldo Methodist Church and on June 7, 1962 we held a special homecoming service and held our last service in the Mulletin Church. Later that year the Cascade United Brethren Church bought the building and it was moved to become a part of their structure.


Cascade Church History

                                         (Information taken from historical records)

 In the year 1872 a loan was secured from the Church Erection Society for $200.00 to

build a church at Cascade, Wisconsin. A plot of land was purchased from J. R. Baer

and wife for $1.00. The deed was signed in April 1872. Two years after erection, in 1874,

the dedication was held. There were 44 people in attendance and the offering amounted

to $19.11. The mortgage was paid in 1891 or nineteen years later. The bell was purchased

nine years after the church was erected or in the year 1881. It has rung thousands of

times to call people to worship God.


 In the early church the men would sit on one side of the center aisle and the                                                              women on the other. Kerosene lamps were used for evening services. There was                                                        always a Sunday night service and mid-week prayer meeting. About once a year an                                                  evangelist would come and hold a series of revival meetings which would be held                                                      nightly for one or two weeks.


About the year 1925 a windstorm blew the steeple from the church. It was never replaced.


The pastor of Cascade United Brethren Church began serving the Plymouth Evangelical Church in 1942 with a worship service in both churches on Sunday morning. Reverend F. E. Warren was the pastor at that time.


On June 1, 1963, the Cascade church began union services with the church at Eden near Fond du Lac with Reverend Richard Bonney serving both churches on a Sunday morning. This continued for three years when in June 1966, through the great shortage of ministers in both E.U.B. and Methodist conferences, the Eden and St. Matthew of Fond du Lac churches were united in one circuit and the Cascade, Waldo and Hingham congregations became a Yoked Fellowship with Reverend Bonney to continue with Cascade.


In 1955 an extensive remodeling project was accomplished while Reverend Henry Clark was pastor.


In 1962 the Mulleton Church near Plymouth was discontinued because of the widening of Highway 57 and the inability to purchase land to the west. The Cascade E.U.B. church purchased the building and moved it to Cascade, building it into the west side of the already existing structure for additional Sunday School room and an overflow room for the sanctuary.


A nine-room parsonage was built in 1915 several blocks east of the church with a garage added in 1929.


Hingham United Methodist Church

(Information taken from historical records)

The oldest written records of the Hingham Circuit that could be found

were dated August 20, 1849 although there are some indications that

some services were held prior to this in homes or schools.


The first recorded meeting was held on January 20, 1850. The next

recorded is July 4, 1852 with 12 members. In 1864-1865 there still was

only 12 members and 2 of those were of the pastor’s family. This was the

darkest day of Methodism in Hingham.


In 1866 Brother Reynolds was pastor in charge and moved to Hingham with his young wife. After getting settled, Brother Reynolds said they were ready for extra meetings. Without a church building, meetings were held in the Hingham school house but this building was already used 4 nights a week, so the Pastor’s wife covered her rag carpet with a sail of a vessel and invited the people into the parsonage to hold a protracted meeting. From two to eight were the most that could be induced to come at any one time for four weeks, but at the end of that time God turned the scale for victory and 25 souls surrendered to Christ.


That year a church was built on the corner where a Methodist Church has been until 1980 when it became an apartment house. The first church building was started with donations from the sisters of the church who gave $100.00 and $150.00 respectively.


In 1880 the circuit purchased a parsonage at the time the circuit was Hingham, Mulleton, Cascade and Onion River.


Many repairs and improvements were made over the years on the church property.


In 1958 the conference talked about closing the church and joining with Waldo. They called a special meeting with the District Superintendent. Every member was notified and all who were able to be voted and again the majority ruled to hold the little church in Hingham.


The ladies held their first Mother & Daughter Banquet in 1954 and it was such a success that it became an annual event. In addition to helping the young adults with some of their projects, the W.S.C.S. and the church women had special programs including missionary speakers, films, prayer vigils, fall bazaars, bake sales, Mother & Daughter banquets and Father & Sons Banquets and remained a vital part of the church.


In later years the choir was a vital part of the church as was the Methodist Youth Fellowship, founded at the time by Rev. Kassilke.


Stained Glass windows

The yellow and blue windows were given by Roger & Grace O'Reilly and Howard & Ruth Mentink

In Loving Memory of parents

Henry and Nettie Harrison

(Dedicated March 2, 1986- Installed about one month before)

Themes from nature have been chosen to take advantage of the "outdoor" setting and window views of the surroundings of the church building.

Nature symbols supplement and compliment the symbols in the existing windows and have Biblical significance from both the Old and New Testaments.


This is the original window from the former Waldo Church and is now in the Welcome Center at Trinity.

Old Testament Window

old testament

    The window depicts the Genesis account of creation, followed by the flood, the ark, and God's rainbow covenant with Noah.

    The most important event in Israel's history - the Exodus of the Hebrew people from slavery in Egypt - led across the desert. through the Red Sea waters, to Mount Sinai, where God revealed himself to Moses in the burning bush and gave the law on the tablets of stone.

    Towering over all is the ancient symbol of Hebrew worship, the seven branched menorah and the words of the Shema, "Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is One". Silver trumpets call the people to worship at the Temple.

    The crown, the harp, and the Star of David suggest the period of the Kings and Judges, and the song of Psalms, symbolized by the sheep, the still water, and the green pastures. Grapes and flowers are reminders of the Song of Solomon, of God's abiding love and care for the land, and of his chosen people who hear and obey his words. The scrolls of the Torah are topped by pomegranates, ancient symbols of fertility and of the eternal life-giving love of the Creator.

New Testament Window

new testament

The window depicts the life and ministry of Jesus and the power of his Gospel. The Holy Family is pictured under the protection of God's sheltering wing. Symbols include the Christmas rose and the star. The lamb depicts both humility and sacrifice.

    Jesus' ministry centered around the Sea of Galilee, pictured with its surrounding hills and its birds of the air. Here Jesus called his disciples; among them fisherman, and preached from a boat on the lake.

    Other symbols of his ministry are the dove of his baptism, the water pots of Cana, the loaves and the fishes, the trimmed lamps. The palm branches, the gathered disciples, the basin and towel, the bread and wine, the crown of thorns, the nails, and the cross tell the story of his last week on earth.

    In the central panel are symbols of the resurrection - the sunrise, the butterfly, and the lilies. The Easter event leads to the coming of the Holy Spirit, symbolized by the dove and flames, the spirit gives power to the Gospel that can break the chains which bind us and make peace, love, and growth possible.

    The lion and the lamb remind us God's sovereign power over all living creatures as witnessed in the book of Revelation.

Blue Window


Birds - (of the air) (above fish and water)

                        Old Testament – Creation Story

                        New Testament – Jesus’ reference to birds and God’s care


Universe – (balance sun in other window)

                        Old Testament – Creation – Stars in Heaven - Abraham, etc.

                        New Testament – Jesus – “signs and wonders in the heavens”

                        Symbols may also suggest man’s exploration of space and glories of God’s creation


Fish – (waters) (under birds and sky)

                        Old Testament – Creation (all living things) wonders in the deep

                        New Testament – Jesus / fishermen / draught of fishes

                        Multiplication of fish – common food. Oldest Christian symbol is fish.

                        Peter, etc., Emmaus room with disciples (many uses)


Grapes – (balance wheat in other window)

                        Old Testament – Isaiah 5:1-6 – Relationship of God and Israel

                        New Testament – Vine and branches, parable of vine dresser, John 15:1-11

                        Grapes / Wine / Communion (blood of Christ) Grapes called the “miracle plant”

                        Ancient Israel concerned with dwindling water supply – grapes come out near end

                        of summer after five months of no rain to provide moisture.

                        Farmers must take very good care of vines in order to produce good fruit.

Yellow Window


The Sun, rays (beams) (Shining down on field and flowers)

                  Creation symbol-Old Testament and New Testament Symbol of “SON”

                  (Sun) “Greater light to rule the day”.


                  Christ, whose glory fills the skies,

                  Christ, the true, the only light

                  Son of righteousness arise,

                  Triumph o’er the shades of night – Etc.


The Fig Tree – (branches) (reaching toward sun and sky)

                  Old Testament – trees bearing fruit (providing food, etc.)

                  New Testament – Jesus and the fig tree (parable / stories)


Wheat – (light of the sun descends – wheat rises up)

                  Old Testament – Incidents in many passages (Joseph’s dream)

                  New Testament – Jesus and the wheat field (Sabbath story)

                  Wheat as symbolic of bread (Communion, etc.)

                                        Flowers (in rays of sun, etc.)

                                                      Biblical phrase for wildflowers (daisies, etc.) is Old Testament

                                                      “lilies of the field”. Psalms 98:8, Isaiah 55:12.

                                                      Jesus referred to these as more splendid than Solomon in all his glory.

The Church Pew

(written by Kasey Klein)

    In 1980 , a sale was held at the Waldo Church to dispose of furniture and items not needed to furnish the new Trinity United Methodist Church. Don and Nola Richards purchased an old pew. It was then used as an entryway bench at the Richards' hobby farm. In 1993, when the farm was sold, the bench was given to their daughter and son-in-law, Kasey and Troy Klein. At that time, it was put in storage, as they didn't have room in their home for it. In the summer of 2004 it was taken out of storage.

    The first idea we had for the pew was to put several layers of polyurethane on it and put it in the carport outside the church as a bench. When a beautiful wood grain was discovered under the old finish, it was decided that this bench needed refinishing and an inside home. Kasey asked Ralph Klein (no relation), if he and his boys, who are known for their wonderful 4-H woodworking projects, were interested in the job.

    The bench was dropped off at their home in November 2004 to begin the project of stripping layers of old varnish and sanding the wood prior to refinishing it with a protective sealant.

    Ralph, Adam and Brad spent approximately 30 hours just stripping the bench to the bare wood, revealing a beautiful oak grain. Then, after 10 hours of sanding and five hours of staining, varnishing and sealing, it was finally completed and delivered to the church fellowship hall on January 3rd.

    A special installation for the bench was held Sunday, March 20, 2005 (Palm Sunday) as part of the Twenty Five Year Celebration.


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